Code.org CS Principles 2022-2023 Professional Learning Program
Code.org CS Principles 2022-2023 Professional Learning Program
Date and Time
July 11, 2022 - July 22, 2022
Registration Closes: July 5, 2022, midnight
See list of cohorts/dates.
Event Address
Cohort locations will be announced in Fall 2022
Contact NameDr. Sheryl Roehl
Contact Emailsroehl@tacc.utexas.edu
Event Description
Please note that this is an informational page. The Register icon at the bottom of this page will take you to the application.
At this time, The University of Texas at Austin is planning to offer in-person CS Principles local summer and academic year workshops in the 2022-2023. Summer 2022 workshops will be the weeks of July 11-15, 2022 and July 18-22, 2022. If it is unsafe and/or unallowable to host in-person trainings, we will transition to virtual workshops.
Designed for 9-12 grade students, Code.org Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. The curriculum is flexible to be taught as a normal course or as an AP course. CS Principles complements CS Discoveries with a deeper focus on concepts such as how the internet works and the societal impacts of computer science. The course works for beginners and students with experience in our other courses.
Teachers who apply and are accepted to the program commit to:
- Attending the five-day, in-person summer workshop as part of a cohort for Austin, Dallas, El Paso, Houston, San Antonio, or the Rio Grande Valley.
- Attending four local one-day, in-person workshops (usually on Saturdays) or participating in the Equity in CS Principles or other potential virtual cohorts.
- Teaching the course during the 2022-23 school year.
- Supporting the recruitment and enrollment of a diverse group of students in the course, representative of the school’s overall student population.
Computer Science Discoveries and Principles workshops are offered at no cost to qualifying teachers accepted into the program. If you don’t meet the requirements to attend at no cost, the program is still only $1,500 per Texas teacher, which is a 50% discount off the national cost thanks to our generous supporters at Code.org.
Funding Options
Texas Computer Science courses, including those aligned to CS Discoveries (Fundamentals of CS) and CS Principles (AP and non-AP), have moved to CTE and qualify for weighted funding. Teachers should check with their administrators to see if these funds are available to support their involvement in this Professional Learning Program. There are also scholarships available for those who qualify.
GRANT OPPORTUNITY - The University of Texas at Austin is proud to partner with Code.org on the Equity in CS Principles grant program.
- The guided program will:
- Help schools decide whether or not AP Computer Science Principles is a good fit.
- Help schools navigate the logistics of creating and adding a new course, and equitably recruit student enrollment for the first year of the course and beyond.
- Provide new-to-CS teachers a rigorous professional learning program
- Provide students a strong curriculum to help them not only complete the course but pass the AP exam.
- Build internal capacity for a strong computer science program for future years.
- Criteria
- School serves 9th-12th grade students and does not currently offer CS Principles.
- School leaders commit to participating in all tracks of the Equity in AP CS Principles Program
- Will offer AP CSP in 2022-23
- Serves student populations that are underrepresented in CS.
- Program is available at no cost to select schools, thanks to a generous research grant from the federal Department of Education.
Sign up for our next Welcome Workshop - Information Session on February 23 here!
Questions about this grant opportunity? Email Amy Carrell at acarrell@tacc.utexas.edu
Code.org curriculum, online student learning platform, and access to support from the teacher and Code.org community are available to all schools year round at no cost.
Eligible Applicants
Participants must complete the Code.org application process and be accepted to this cohort. APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN!
Questions about the program? Please email Dr. Sheryl Roehl at sroehl@tacc.utexas.edu.
Austin CSP: July 18-22, 2022
Dallas/Fort Worth CSP: July 11-15, 2022
El Paso CSP: July 18-22, 2022
Houston CSP: July 18-22, 2022
Rio Grande Valley CSP: July 11-15, 2022
San Antonio CSP: July 11-15, 2022
- Registration fees cover training materials.
- Payments are due before the program starts.
- Refunds will not be issued for cancellations or those not in attendance.
Photographic Consent and Media Release Policy
Please check our HELP/FAQ information here.
July 11-15, 2022 OR July 18-22, 2022 (according to listed cohorts)
- Five-Day Summer Workshop (Monday-Friday) in July.
- Four In-person or Virtual Follow-Up Sessions: Dates TBD.
External Registration
Registration will take place outside of UTakeIt.