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TX CS Leadership Network (TXCSLN)

TX CS Leadership Network (TXCSLN)

Date and Time

July 11, 2023 - July 22, 2024

Registration Closes: June 3, 2024, 11:59 p.m.


Virtual Meetings

Event Address

A Zoom link will be provided before each meeting.


Contact NameNicole Martin


Event Description


Computer science (CS) education in the United States is plagued with professional isolation. This is true for classroom teachers who may be the lone CS educator in their school or district, and it is also true of administrators who have no other district leaders with which to collaborate in building CS programs. While efforts are being made to bring CS teachers together, little is currently being done to connect administrators. Unlike their counterparts in math or science, K-12 administrators who oversee CS do not have a community of practice to learn from and to turn to for support. To make a real impact in diversifying enrollment in K-12 CS education, we must better engage CS leaders at scale.

TXCSLN will host monthly virtual meetings centered around topics, such as building CS pathways, policies that impact diverse CS enrollment, and strategies for retaining CS teachers. Meeting topics will reflect the needs and interests of participants based on an initial survey and ongoing feedback from network members. TXCSLN will also provide scholarships for up to 40 members to attend an annual in-person meeting in conjunction with the WeTeach_CS Summit. This in-person experience will allow participants to foster stronger connections with their peers and dive deeper into key issues facing CS education leaders while also connecting with the broader CS education community beyond administrators.

Participation is limited to CS leaders on campuses, districts, and education service centers along with Texas institutions of higher education leaders in the CS Education space interested in building the K-12 pipeline. 


  • All dates September 2023-April 2024 are the last Monday of the month. The last Monday of May 2024 is Memorial Day, so we’ll push that back a week to June 3, 2024.
  • There will not be a meeting in December 2023.
  • Meeting Time: 3:00-4:00pm CT
    • September 25, 2023
    • October 30, 2023
    • November 27, 2023
    • January 29, 2024
    • February 26, 2024
    • March 25, 2024
    • April 29, 2024
    • June 3, 2024



Getting There

A Zoom link will be provided before each meeting.

Personal Registration


Register for this event and claim your seat immediately.

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