WTCS Cert Prep Webinars - INFO PAGE (Dates/Registration Links/Recordings)
WTCS Cert Prep Webinars - INFO PAGE (Dates/Registration Links/Recordings)
Date and Time
October 6, 2020 - May 18, 2021
Registration Closes: Sept. 10, 2020, noon
Event Address
Contact NameNathalie Beausoleil
Contact Emailnathalie.b@tacc.utexas.edu
Event Description
These webinars are available to educators enrolled in the WeTeach_CS Foundations of CS for Teachers course, and teachers who are part of the Lone Star STEM grant.
Sessions will be from 5:30-6:30pm CST with a 30 minute period for Q& A from 6:30-7pm CST on the following Tuesdays:
- #1 - October 6, 2020 - Data Types, Variables, Operators and Number Bases - Link to recorded session - Alternate Vimeo link
- #2 - October 27, 2020 - Boolean Basics and Conditional Statements - Link to recorded session - Alternate Vimeo link
- #3 - November 10, 2020 - Iteration - Link to Vimeo recording
- #4 - December 8, 2020 - Arrays - Link to Vimeo recording
- #5 - January 19, 2021 - Recursion - Link to Slide Show - Link to Vimeo Recording
- February 16, 2021 - Object Oriented Programming - POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER ISSUES - RESCHEDULED FOR MAY 4
- #6 - March 23, 2021 - Searches, Sorts and Order of Magnitude - Link to Vimeo Recording
- #7 - April 20, 2021 - Computing Systems and Networks - Link to Vimeo Recording
- #8 - May 4, 2021 - Makeup session for postponed February 16 - Object Oriented Programming Link to Vimeo Recording
- #9 - May 18, 2021 - Lists, Stacks, Queues Link to E-Lesson on Linked Lists Link to Video
REGISTRATION: You will need to register for each webinar separately. Click on dates above to access each registration page.
Since we are limiting the number of participants, we please ask that if you register, you do attend or let us know in advance about canceling your registration so that someone else can benefit from that spot.
All registered participants who attend the webinar will receive 1 hour of CPE credits per session.
(This is an informational page only, which is why registration is closed :-)
5:30pm - 7:00pm Central Time
Personal Registration
Register for this event and claim your seat immediately.