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WestEd Making Sense of Science: Systems and Water

WestEd Making Sense of Science: Systems and Water

Date and Time

December 14, 2017 - December 15, 2017

Registration Closes: Dec. 6, 2017, 6 p.m.


DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Austin University Area

Event Address

1617 North Interstate 35 Austin, Texas, 78702

Event Description

WestEd will lead two 1-day Making Sense of SCIENCE facilitation academies to prepare participants to effectively lead a professional development course for teachers in their collaboratives. Facilitation academy participants will:

  • Experience a teacher course first hand, collaboratively make sense of vexing science concepts and explore the practice of teaching.

  • Collaboratively investigate the art of facilitation, including strategies for promoting evidence-based conversations among teachers and strategies for supporting teachers’ analysis of student work and use of formative assessments.

  • Learn core principles of effective facilitation in science.

This event will be broken into two-days with separate topics. Registration for and attendance at both days is required but turn-around of each can be done as separate events.   The Systems day will be dedicated to systems thinking within the context of biological, physical, and conceptual systems.  The Water course focuses on properties of water, earth’s water, interactions involving water in both earth science and chemistry and how the particle nature of water is modeled.  Both of these courses are intended for teachers of grades K-8 but can also be extended to high school.

TEKS alignment will be made available prior to the course.

Note: Registration for Organisms is separate from this registration. If you intend to attend both events you will need to register for both.

Eligible Attendees

Initial registration is limited to, at most, one participant from each TRC Science Collaborative. The individual attending the PDA should plan to be the primary presenter for a turnaround training that is both pedagogy and content intensive. If your attendee is not qualified in both roles, please consider recruiting an additional individual after the PDA to meet the content expertise requirements for the turnaround training. Total number of participants is limited to 24. Please email Jennifer Kaszuba at to be placed on the waiting list before registering more than one individual or to be notified when this workshop is open to non-TRC institutions.



$60.00 per day for each participant.

$120.00 total per participant for this 2-day workshop.

  •      Registration fees cover breakfast, lunch and training materials.
  •      Payments are due before this event.
  •      Refunds will not be issued for cancellations or those not in attendance.
  •      Event limited to 24 participants.



Accommodations and Transportation

A block of sleeping rooms is available at the DoubleTree Austin - University Area, on a first come, first serve basis.

Click here to book at the Double Tree.

Group Name: TRC/WestEd

Group Code: TRC

Check-in: 10-DEC-2017

Check-out: 15-DEC-2017

Hotel Name: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Austin – University Area

Hotel Address: 1617 North Interstate 35, Austin, Texas, 78702

Hotel Phone Number: 737-600-8114


NOTE: Sleeping room block is available until November 20th or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first. Please book your room asap.

A copy of the Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax Exempt form is provided and should be printed and turned in to your hotel upon arrival. 

Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate (PDF)

All participants are responsible for their own transportation and lodging arrangements and payments. Transportation costs will be reimbursed* by the Center for STEM Education at The University of Texas at Austin to one participant per collaborative in Texas who attend the entire event. Mileage will be reimbursed, at the state rate, as calculated by MapQuest using the shortest route option.

*If you owe money to any State of Texas organization or entity, whatever amount you were to receive may be credited toward your debt.


December 14-15, 2017

Time 8:00 - 4:30 (breakfast and registration at 8:00 each day)

Getting There

Parking is free at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Austin – University Area

Personal Registration


Register for this event and claim your seat immediately.

Registration Access Code

$120 / person

Purchase an access code for one or more people. The access code must be redeemed by the number of persons selected at checkout to complete registration.

Already have a code?

Redeem code here →