WeTeach_CS Summit 2021
WeTeach_CS Summit 2021
Date and Time
June 30, 2021 - July 1, 2021
Registration Closes: June 30, 2021, 6:30 p.m.
Event Address
Contact NameNathalie Beausoleil
Contact Emailnathalie.b@tacc.utexas.edu
Event Description
VIRTUAL PLATFORM: The CS Summit will be hosted in Gather Town. Registrants will use the link sent to them by email to access the CS Summit world in Gather Town.
Gather Town is a video-calling space that lets multiple people hold separate conversations in parallel, walking in and out of those conversations just as easily as they would in real life. We strongly encourage you to try out Gather Town ahead of the summit so that you have a feel for how the platform works. To give it a test run, head over to the official Walkthrough and Conference demos! In addition to using Gather Town, please plan on installing Zoom for the Plenary sessions.
If you need help understanding how to use Gather Town or need to troubleshoot an issue, please checkout the following support documents:
Please note that you will need a microphone and a webcam to fully participate in the summit, and Gather Town only supports the Chrome and Firefox web browsers on desktop computers. Gather Town does not work on mobile devices or the Safari web browser.
There will be 31 learning sessions at this year's Summit appropriate for novice, intermediate, and advanced computer science educators. Topics include:
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Block and Text Based Programming
- Building K-12 Computer Science Pathways
- Curricular Resources
- Cybersecurity and Digital Citizenship
- Equity
- Industry Engagement
- Integrating Computer Science in to Core and Elective Subjects
- Pedagogy and Classroom Management for Computer Science Classes
- Physical Computing
- Student and Family Engagement and Resources
We are awarding a limited number of scholarships to cover the registration fee for educators to attend the Summit. SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED
2021 Change Maker and Mini-Grant Awards
Nominations are closed. Selected award recipients will be notified by May 17.
Thank you to Texas Instruments for their generous sponsorship!
Bhavana Bartholf - Global Head of Strategy for Business Development and Transformation, Microsoft Solutions
Simply Imagine
This keynote will touch on Bhavana Bartholf’s personal Journey, from her graduate studies in Manufacturing Engineering to being hired as Microsoft Solution’s Global Head of Strategy for Business Development and Transformation and her 20-year career. She will discuss how in our new norm, tech talent is required by every company, and that tech for good extends into all careers. Highlights include the evolution of Microsoft hackathons and Microsoft’s Accelerate Houston and Atlanta which supports city development, social justice, and diverse and inclusive skilling in the workplace.
Kelly Gaither - Texas Advanced Computing Center, Director of Health Analytics
Combatting Health and Disparities Bit by Bit
Presentation Description: Computers have become ubiquitous in our society, in almost every aspect of our lives. Digital literacy and critical thinking are not just desirable skills, they are nearing the precipice of being mandatory. In this presentation, I will demonstrate the power of computational science in the analysis of two problems relevant to us all – maternal health and COVID-19.
- Payments are due before this event.
- Event limited to 350 participants.
- Registration deadline is 6/15/2021.
- SWAG will be sent to the mailing address provided during registration.
- Registration and payment instructions can be found during checkout or here.
Exhibitors can register here.
Certificates stating 14 hours of Continuing Professional Education hours (CPE credits) earned can be downloaded from the UTakeIt dashboard after the participant has completed the online course evaluation. Any questions about certificates should be directed toward the contact person listed on this page.
Registration or Payment Questions?
Registration and payment instructions can be found during checkout or here.
Photographic Consent and Media Release Policy
Please check our HELP/FAQ information here.
Virtual Platform: Gather.Town - A dedicated link will be provided provided a few week before the CS Summit event.
Online Session Schedule: Sched.com - A link to the Summit sessions will be provided a few weeks before the event.
- Wednesday, June 30: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM - Login/questions/troubleshooting will start at 8:00 AM
- Thursday, July 1: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Personal Registration
Register for this event and claim your seat immediately.
Registration Access Code
$100 / person
Purchase an access code for one or more people. The access code must be redeemed by the number of persons selected at checkout to complete registration.